Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Why is it...

Why is it that being "radical" for Jesus is so often seen as being cynical, sarcastic, and judgmental toward "the church"? There is no shortage of blogs out there that have this hateful, self-righteous attitude that just breaks my heart when I read it. More than likely these people have been hurt by "the church" or someone else significant in their life, and now they hide their pain by pointing out the failings of others.

"Look at me. I am so smart. And everyone else is sooooooooo screwed up!"

Its sad.

Don't get me wrong. I am one of the more "black and white" people I know. Just ask anyone who knows me well. But it has softened and mellowed with age. I don't think its compromise. I think that I just realize more each day how little I know. But I don't think I ever had that sarcastic, condescending attitude that seems so prevalent here in blogdom. I hope not. (Some of my friends would probably chuckle and think, "Are you kidding me????")

Anyway, when I read some of these, I wish I could just sit down with the person, hand them a cup of coffee, and ask, "Why are you so angry? Do you really think that Jesus would handle things the same way?" And then they would probably remind me of how he made a whip and cleansed the temple, and called the Pharisees a bunch of snakes. Jesus wasn't wishy washy. He wasn't afraid to step on a few toes. But everything He did was motivated by love.

And sometimes when I read these folks, I don't feel the love.

The prophet Jeremiah spoke some pretty strong stuff against Israel. And he wept for his people. Isaiah said some scary things. And he made some of the most profound declarations of God's love and care for His people that are found in all of scripture. Jesus called the religious leaders "white washed tombs full of dead men's bones." Sweet. And then he laid down his life in the ultimate act of love for those people.

I guess I just think we need to make sure our hearts are filled with His love before we put on our John the Baptist hat. Ridiculing and mocking people probably wont bring them to a change of heart.

We don't want to walk in compromise, but we do want to walk in a love that is pure and free from judgment, anger, and pride.

Help, Lord.


MJ said...

Well, you already know how I feel about that. It's so hard though. I sat inf church for nine years very lonely and very much in pain. I feel sad for myself and for the other hurting people out there who have received that. I hope that the convicting things I say, sound as though they come out of a heart of love.

Brian said...


I have never sensed that bitter spirit in you. You are up front and honest, but never mean-spirited. I understand the frustration of the bitter ones. I just wish their insight could be channelled in more productive ways.

Oh... how wise and righteous I sound!


sam said...

alot of the blogging is done by people that are going through the mellowing out process that you are going through. I've blogged both ways- same as I live my life, sometimes through wounds that haven't healed and hopefully mostly through the love of Jesus Christ. Thanks for this post though, iron sharpens iron.