Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Does He really NEED us?

Okay... I was talking with a friend tonight about our calling and purpose in God. You know, a lot of theology makes God's need of us sort of like England's need of a Queen. Its all for show. I don't think that is how it works. God doesn't need us because He is insufficient in some way. He doesn't need us like that insecure boyfriend or girlfriend that calls ten times a day. He needs us because He created a world where love is the goal. He needs us because love requires that we humans have the power to disobey Him. We have the power to thwart His will. We have the power to say NO to God. Think about that. He wants to have a loving, intimate friendship with us. By its very nature, love is a choice. So, in order for us to be able to love, He gave us the power to choose. But, the danger is, the power to say yes is also the power to say no. The power to say no has resulted in all the pain and suffering in the world. Giving us the power to say no was an incredible risk, but absolutely necessary if we were to be able to learn to love the way He loves. And now He is entirely committed to bringing our hearts into the experience of His love. He needs us because he created a world where we play an integral role in that redemptive purpose. (Man.... does this ever sound religious. I just cant think of better words right now.) The bottom line is, He REALLY does need us to cooperate in His purposes. Its not like His will wont be accomplished if we don't join in. But.... when we are living our lives in a genuine relationship with Him, that is a powerful tool in His hands to win the hearts of those who don't trust Him. He loves everyone around us, and desires for them to experience that love in a tangible way. And He needs us to make ourselves available for that. He needs us. What an incredible idea.....


Anonymous said...

God doesn't need us, He is self sufficient in himself.

Brian said...

Anonymous: Thanks for reading and commenting. I dont think you really understood my point. Indeed, in Himself, God is self-sufficient. But in the context of creation and redemption, He is seeking to win the hearts of blind and rebellious people. He gave those people free wills, and because of that, He "needs" our cooperation to fulfill His purpose. He wont die, or be diminished in His being without us, but He has created a need which we fulfill. He created the need. He created us with the ability to fulfill the need. Therefore, in that sense, He needs us. The main point is.... our choices count. They really matter. They affect eternity. He created us with an awesome power to impact eternity. That is a mind blowing reality.
