Monday, January 31, 2005

I used to be so smart....

This is a funny season of life. I am realizing how little I know, and how really uninformed I am. I have always been highly opinionated, in a congenial, loveable sort of way, but that seems to be changing. My opinions seem very unimportant these days. We live in a very complex world. I look at a given situation, and after a little thought, arrive at a conclusion about what is going on there. The truth is, I rarely have enough information to make an intelligent analysis. Its not that I am a dummy. I have an above average IQ, and a good mind, but most of the time, I just dont have all the facts. I am not talking about mundane things, like what is the best restaurant in town. We all have opinions about that sort of thing. I am talking about the bigger issues. Politics, moral issues, religious questions. The heady stuff. And how about other peoples issues? How often have I watched another person deal with a particular situation in their life, and then sat back and evaluated how right or wrong or wise or foolish their decisions were. Who am I, to think that I have anyone elses answers to these things. I know what I know, but there is so much that I dont know. Some would even question the idea that "I know what I know." I understand that position, but in some things, I know what I know. I know there is a God. I know He is absolutely good. I know that He revealed Himself in Jesus. I know that He will ultimately reconcile all the conflict and pain in the world. I know He will ultimately have His way, and that His way is good. But, between here and there, I am not sure how fully I really understand any of the situations I face. The scriptural commands to "judge not" are making more sense all the time. True judgement requires full understanding of all the contributing factors to a given situation. How often do I have that "full understanding"? Not very often. So.... at its best, my judgement is usually clouded with ignorance. This whole thing sounds a little melancholy, but it is actually a place of peace. I dont have to go around evaluating everybody and everything all the time. I am not in charge. I am not ultimately responsible. He has given me one job, one command. He calls me to love. Freely, extravagantly, sacrificially. Every now and then, he will call me to confront evil. But, most of the time, He simply calls me to demonstrate in a fresh new way the same love that He expressed when He went to the cross. Thats my job, to lay down my life for my friends. He can take care of the judging, and He will do it perfectly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


It sounds like God is moving you into a place of freedom. From this foundation freedom to love he will people into your life whom he wants to heal and restore. Juding Christians (we all have fallen into that camp) have wounded many people "In the name of Jesus". Now he can more freely use you to heal the broken hearted.
